Yesterday I had my first ever modeling job. I was part of a line-up in a ski ad gearing up for the winter season. On the way back I smelled like the inside of a gym bag—it’s still 32 degrees! The temperature wasn't helped by the fact that I was dangling from one arm on an inclined plane in ski boots while two poor staffers held the other end of my ski pole as we tried to simulate some extreme angles.
There were a dozen people out there just for me. They were handing me water, turning fans in my direction, zipping and unzipping my ski jacket between shots, all the rest. I finally understood why “talents” tend to feel privileged. The pay was nothing to write home about, but getting to finally meet people in the industry was fascinating. I ended up talking a lot to the stylist, and likely convinced her to come watch Metamorphosis. One sale at a time!
Of Temples & Pandas
Life is almost returning to a manageable state. I have two sets of rehearsals every week now, and although I only officially work 3 days, my “down” days are just as busy as the “up”. On Friday I had my first full no-rehearsal, no-job day in as long as I can remember. I used part of it catching up on tasks I’d been putting off, then I got in a decent three-hour ride. I headed out to the light airfield again, this time with my camera. The cows seemed to have been removed so the grass underneath them could be cut, but I did find a remarkably large temple just hanging out by the airfield—Senpuku-ji, huge, yet barely on the map.
That evening I went to see Kung Fu Panda 2, which had some brilliant choreography and artistry, though all the voice talents other than Jack Black and Gary Oldman could have completed their work in about 15 minutes including a bathroom break. I think the snake was given two lines just so Lucy Liu could have something to say. The biggest section in the credits was the R&D department; it looks like Intel had an entire division devoted to developing software to make this movie.
Metamorphing Along
Metmorph is coming along apace. We now have most of our set—the very expensive, Mike-decided-to-buy-it cage is now in our possession, and it has yet to kill our Gregor, which makes me happy.
Directing (or in my case, assistant-directing) Berkoff is very interesting. Every scene is micro-managed and choreographed. You can spend an hour on a single page—or even longer on a single line of description.
I finished a new alternate flyer, and I’m plugging the play to fashion schools and the like. Also hoping to drop some flyers off at a gothic bar I know in Shinjuku…
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fake gucci (Friday, 06 February 2015 08:29)
The cows seemed to have been removed so the grass underneath them could be cut, but I did find a remarkably large temple just hanging out by the airfield—Senpuku-ji, huge, yet barely on the map.