These e-mails form the backdrop to the Shizuoka section, picking up from immediately after the first Tokyo missive.
I finally break down and tell a few of my new friends that it's my birthday.
One of my housemates tries to set me up on a date, and I valiantly drive her away.
It's getting cold, but I just got here, so there's no chance I'm coming home.
Bad Drunk
Warm Saké + Girls + Belligerence = Regret. And that was only the part I remembered...
Putting my ego back in check after two months of self-absorption.
Mr. Blond
Getting ready for a friend to visit so we can explore Tokyo.
Article of Doom
The Toronto Star accepts one of my articles, and I have no idea what I'm in for.
Open the Door
I get an interview with another company, and things are looking up.
Canadian Lament
Canada wins Olympic gold, and I am in the wrong country.