Buffeted from all sides,
burning light behind,
gripping scavengers ahead,
a new resident arrives.
No different from the last.
No different from
the next to come.
Simply one.
No more.
No less.
The one joins the many, forming
a mass of one that is many.
The many step together toward
their common destination,
enter together the realm
of unknown trails,
leaving all else
The one watches as the many
become the fewer,
and then the fewer still.
Some are seen to move forward.
Some move back.
Some do not seem to
move at all.
Still others stray from
the path entirely.
Each one
shall be
One after another
I have witnessed
Each departs from
A known starting point—
A home
A sanctuary—
And each will enter
A realm of shadows
Of uncertainty
Of fear.
All they have lies in
It must be cherished
It must grow.
My turn arrives
My leap of faith
My door.
My life.
When someone leaves
The world of those who remain behind
Becomes ever so slightly dimmer.
I am nearly enshrouded in darkness.
And now I must step away
From my few remaining candles
And embrace the night.
Forgive me.
I am an ancient child
Who has tired of his toys
Yet prays that his toys have not tired of him.
As I have flown ever
Toward the final exit,
My once-blazing light
Has grown dim.
All that remains is eclipsed;
The door is closed behind me,
Left unlatched for another
Who shall come.
And as I hum a tune
About gleaming suns
I know that it is time to move on.
Five years passed
Five years spent
Five ephemeral glimpses
Into the molten core of man
That may never be lived again.
Years of wonder
Years of grief
Years of walking
Until each walker finds his pace
Some fall behind
Others move ahead
Still others are trampled underfoot
As they slip from our fingers.
As this piece of the path
Comes to an end,
We see two roads diverge in the wood
And I—
I shall make my own path.
And that will make all the difference.