Hide my soul in a glass box
Now I’ve lost the key.
Lies. Lies. Lies.
This flesh:
Not my own;
And the rusted hooks
Bite into another’s skin
Whose body wields my soul.
The eyes that plead
Are false windows
They reveal the worlds
I shall never see
But can only envision,
Engulfed in the evils of my own.
But it is not me.
I scream
Within my glass box
But my lungs are filled with ink;
No-one hears my one true voice.
I can withstand no more of this;
My soul cannot endure;
And I scream and scream but no-one hears.
It’s time for me to move on:
Grant me one more day
That I may do what I have not done
So many have I squandered
That surely a single one more
Is of little consequence.
Grant me one more day
That I may love
That I may live
That I may tear this world apart
And piece it together again.
With this one day shall I
The heavens assail and
The deepest pits collapse.
This one day shall be my consummation:
Of life
Of love
Of destruction
Of healing
If I could have but this one day
Beyond my time.
It is all that is truly mine:
My thoughts
My works
My deeds
My loves and debauches innumerable
Shall all be washed away.
I shall grapple Death for this day.
This day alone is mine.
Do not take it from me
For should you attempt it
You would find my will so formidable
That it would crumble at a feather’s touch
And blow away in a summer breeze.
Please. Grant me one more day.
It is my quest to follow Heaven’s goals, to exalt God
Until I can be raised above the needs of mortal man.
But the justice I seek to administer is unwanted,
The kingdom of God I serve is unloved, forgotten.
When there is so much sin, why does no-one come to me for help?
Why do I feel so fragile… is my faith wavering?
I weep for the labours of man
And feel anger at his sins.
I am surrounded by the sins of mortals
But I will be here for you,
Even as your sins bring about your end.
Words Can Mean Nothing
Shall I tell you
Who I am?
Stare into my eyes.
In them you’ll see
The Darkest pools
Where the most evil
Dreams find
I hate the world as
It hates me, but
I shall not be
So simply
In my hatred I
Love it more,
For its enmity
Has caused me
To despise that which
I am
Ever shall be.
The only power I retain
Is the truth
Within this shell.
My truth can weave
Tales that would
Scald your soul and
Drive you mad:
And my love
Restrains me from